10 Awful Films The Office Actors Want Us To Forget

8. Ocean's 8

Curly Sue Steve Carell
Warner Bros.

This seemed like a solid idea on paper. A female led reboot of the fun, frothy Ocean’s series of heist movies with a modern sheen, headlined by Sandra Bullock and featuring bonafide A listers. It seemed like it could be a winner, or if not that, at least something decent to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Mindy Kaling made up part of a game cast, playing master forger Amita.

Sadly, it failed to clear that rather low marker. Ocean’s 8 took the franchise’s reliable formula of a somewhat convoluted plot which is handily explained in full for the viewer midway through, but the returns were in their “diminished” stage by this point.

The cast revamp served to refresh the product to a degree - i.e it was a little less dull than it would have been had Clooney, Pitt et al returned once again - but not nearly enough. Kaling is game and good fun, as are the rest of the talented women involved, but Ocean’s 8 was ultimately a dud, even with the lowest of expectations.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)