10 Awful Moments That Ruined The Robocop Reboot

2. Rushed Third Act

To me one of the biggest problems scripting-wise is how the first two acts are rather slow-paced, dealing with Murphy's identity crisis and totally downplaying the insidious nature of his creation. Then, suddenly realising they need to push the evil corporation angle, things thrust into fifth gear in the third, as Murphy finds himself being decommissioned by Raymond Sellars, the OmniCorp CEO who didn't seem so bad before (if still clearly motivated by the bottom line), but is suddenly a neon-signposted bad guy, basically becoming the Dick Jones of this movie. Similarly, though Mattox never liked Murphy even at the start of the RoboCop program, he becomes a cookie-cutter villain who suddenly wants to murder Murphy, and so ends up being killed just in the nick of time, despite the fact that prior to this, Mattox didn't seem all that bad a guy, just a skeptic of the program. It feels like scenes were cut out that would have made Sellars and Mattox's character arcs feel more natural and believable, but as it stands, they go from ambiguous to outright villains in mere moments.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.