10 Awful Movie Kill Quips So Bad They're Good

6. €œLet Off Some Steam, Bennett!€ €“ Commando

Why It€™s So Bad: You just totally impaled a guy to death in front of your daughter! €But Really So Good: A nice end to a quote-filled movie. Ironic too maybe? Bennett did seem to be hitting boiling point. Commando is a masterpiece of one-liners, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is the master of kill quips. The 1985 action-film sees Schwarzenegger kill every single bad guy, and deliver a brilliantly cheesy piece of dialogue each time. Onboard a plane, he kills a henchman, before telling the air hostess not to wake him because €œhe€™s dead tired.€ He warns bad-guy Sully that he€™ll kill him last, but whilst dangling him over a cliff, tells him €œI lied.€ In a motel fight scene, Schwarzenegger tells a heavily built commando that €œI eat Green Berets for breakfast, and I€™m very hungry!€ The whole kill-quip kill-fest ends with a great fight scene with main antagonist Bennett, and after throwing a lead pipe through the mad Aussie and into a boiler, Schwarzenegger coolly tells him to €œlet off some steam€ as vapour pours through the pipe. Quote-ability Level: 8/10 Martini's Shaken Not Stirred

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