10 Awful Teen Comedies That Are Actually Hilarious

6. Sky High

What A Girl Wants

Surreal. Surreal is the most accurate word to describe this teen superhero comedy. What's also bizarre is that for some reason Sky High is fondly remembered as a relatively light hearted, enjoyable film. But it is most definitely not that. An awful soundtrack, mind boggling internal logic and teachers that are questionable to say the least leaves for a very strange movie going experience.

At one point in the film the students have to demonstrate their superhuman abilities in order to be classified a hero or a sidekick (a shameless rip-off of the Harry Potter sorting hat). As the PE teacher, played by Bruce Campbell, is impressed by one student's ability to shapeshift, he proceeds to flat out slap him on the bum. In a school. As a PE teacher.He's really not doing much to dispel the urban rumour about PE teachers.

Strip away the superhero aspect of the film and it becomes just a generic high school teen comedy. However, it's colourful and extremely over the top in the same spirit that the Spy Kids films are which makes it a relatively easy watch.

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