10 Awful Teen Comedies That Are Actually Hilarious

5. Sydney White

What A Girl Wants
Universal Pictures

Amanda Bynes is arguably the queen of mid 2000s ridiculous teen comedies, and Sydney White is no exception. A modern retelling of Snow White set in an American college, it follows Sydney as she is rejected from one of the elite sorority houses and ends up living with seven outcasts in the worst house on campus. Hijinks soon follow.

The film is traditionally terrible in most aspects. The writing is ridiculous and at points just flat out relies on tired old ethnic stereotypes for punchlines. But Amanda Bynes is charming and the script is so wild that it feels that you're watching a surrealist take on the traditional teen comedy.

It is extremely silly, goofy and outlandish but there is something strangely charming and genuinely subversive about some of the ideas in the film. You just have to wade through all the cliche teen romance mush to find it, but it's in there.

If you do happen to see this film, do not expect something of the calibur of Mean Girls. Expect to cringe, be confused and be strangely charmed all at the same time.

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