10 Awful Teen Comedies That Are Actually Hilarious

4. The Kissing Booth

What A Girl Wants

The Kissing Booth. This film probably has the worst message and example for young people that a film could ever have. This film isn't hilarious because it's wacky or strange or so over the top. It's hilarious because it's mind boggling to even think that this script was approved by any with half a working brain. It's the film that essentially tried to sexualise Joey King the minute she turned 18, which is creepy enough. But that's just scratching the surface.

Joey King plays Elle and her best friend is a guy named Lee. They have been best friends their entire lives, but for some reason their friendship is still so fragile that they must adhere to strict guidelines in order to preserve their friendship. The most important of these rules is that they are completely forbidden from dating each other's relatives, a rule particularly pertinent to Lee as he as an older, more attractive brother named Noah.

As you can probably guess already, the main conflict of this film comes from the fact that Noah and Elle eventually become involved with one another. And that's this film's biggest issue. The depiction of the relationship (and friendship) at stake is downright misogynistic and seems to overlook Noah's clear emotional abuse and psychological manipulation, not to mention the constant slut shaming of the main character.

Lee also seems to be completely possessive over Elle as if he owns her for some strange reason. Elle is written as a woman with almost no autonomy constantly manipulated by the men in her life.

If you happen to have young adults/ teenagers you are responsible, it's advisable not to have this film as any sort of example... except if you want to show them exactly how not to behave.

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Marlon Loria hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.