10 Awful Teen Comedies That Are Actually Hilarious

3. Saved!

What A Girl Wants

Saved! is a Christian satire starring Jenna Malone, Mandy Moore and Macaulay Culkin. That sentence alone should clue you in as to how bizarre this film is. The plot is this: Jenna Malone's character discovers that her boyfriend is gay and arranges for her to take his virginity in an attempt to cure him of his homosexuality. It gets even wilder as she discovers that she is now pregnant and becomes a social outcast in her strictly religious social group.

The film makes a genuine attempt to relay the idea that Jesus was a figure of the utmost acceptance and could not care less about one's sexuality. It preaches the idea of individual thinking and diversity, albeit still within a Christian framework which is an admirable one.

However what stands out more than the film's potentially noble message is the outlandishly cartoonish portrayals of religion and different sexualities. It detracts from the message and instead has you wondering whether these people do truly behave in such a manner.

Macaulay Culkin plays a wheelchair bound rebel who falls in love with the only Jewish girl at his school, again an utterly ridiculous plot point in of itself.

The film tries to make fun of overly religious fanatics whilst still playing it safe, meaning the message gets lost and all you can focus on is the insane character interactions and exaggerated performances of some of the cast.

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