10 Awful Twists That Ruined Awesome Horror Movies

6. The Forgotten

High Tension
Columbia Pictures

Julianne Moore stars in this 2004 movie as a grieving mother who lost her son in a plane crash. Things take a strange turn when, one day, she gets told that she never had a son at all.


This isn't actually the twist we're talking about. This is just the pre-twist twist that sets up the actual twist. The word twist is beginning to sound more and more made-up.

It turns out that Moore's character did actually have a son and he did die. It also turns out that she is part of an experiment to test the power of the bond between a mother and child. Oh, and the experiment is being conducted by a group of aliens known only as "them".

'Cos sure, why not.

What starts as a tense psychological thriller quickly devolves into sci-fi nonsense knee-deep in its own technobabble. The plot develops into a thick, muddled mess of a story that detracts from the emotional core of a mother searching for answers.

Then, at the end, Moore's character is seen playing with her son in a park! So, did he die or not? Goodness gracious.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.