10 Awful Twists That Ruined Awesome Horror Movies

3. Scream 3

High Tension

When it comes to horror movie plot twists, few are as legendary and influential as the one in the first Scream picture.

The reveal that not one but two of Sidney Prescott's friends were working together as Ghostface shocked the horror world in the best way possible. Sadly, this set the bar so high that the series really struggled to top itself.

By the time Scream 3 rolled around, the team behind the franchise had clearly run out of ideas. Case in point, the big reveal in this movie.

After yet another Ghostface pops up and starts killing people in Hollywood, Sidney confronts the masked killer to learn his true identity. It's Roman... wait a second... who's Roman?

Oh, he's Sidney's secret half-brother. Who we only just met, but turns out he's been the one behind the events of the entire franchise. What?

Scream is a series that was designed to satirise horror conventions, so this was clearly meant to poke fun at the contrived endings to horror trilogies.

However, this reveal just came off as... contrived.

Scream had finally jumped the shark and had become everything it had once rallied against.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.