10 Awkward Movie Moments That Must Have Happened Off-Screen

8. Peter's Magneto Realisation - X-Men: Apocalypse

Jim Carrey The Truman Show ending
20th Century Studios

From Days of Future Past onwards, Evan Peters' Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff became one of the best parts of Fox's X-Men franchise.

One of the most iconic scenes - not just for Quicksilver himself, but for the franchise in general - is when he, Charles, and Wolverine break Magneto free from the Pentagon.

There was enough time during the prison break for Quicksilver to have a little chat with Erik, including something of an easter egg for comic-book fans who knew the speedster's true parentage. Quicksilver, in ignorant bliss, told Magneto that his mother once knew someone who could manipulate metal, but had no idea that he was now talking to that exact same person.

Ten years later, during X-Men: Apocalypse, Quicksilver asked Raven more questions about Erik, about what he was like, and if he was really a bad guy. Turns out that in the time between movies, the young man had figured out who Magneto really was.

Parental issues are nothing new in comic-book movies, but imagine the feeling and the look on Quicksilver's face when he discovered that the man he helped escape from the Pentagon, the man who killed the President, was his father.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.