10 Awkward Movie Moments That Must Have Happened Off-Screen

6. Getting Rid Of Smaug's Corpse - The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies

Jim Carrey The Truman Show ending
Warner Bros. Pictures

When the King Under the Mountain and his company came through Lake Town with promises of ridding Erebor of Smaug, there was a mixed reaction to say the least. The Master was all too happy to see them to their task, but Bard was far more skeptical, and with good reason.

The Dwarves' infiltration of what the dragon claimed to be his own home led to his direct attack on the floating town. Everything was burned to ash, but Bard was ultimately able to put the chaos to an end with a black arrow, in the way that his ancestor couldn't.

Smaug fell from the sky and was no more. The story moved to Erebor, the sight of the Battle of the Five Armies, and all the people who laid their claim to a share of the wealth. This included Bard, who believed the people of Lake Town were owed their fair share to rebuild their home, but upon their return, they would have had a much bigger issue. Literally.

Aside from the money needed to rebuild, wouldn't Lake Town's biggest concern have been what to do with the giant dragon corpse that crushed their home? How would you even go about moving such a behemoth? There ain't no modern cranes in Middle Earth!


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.