10 Awkward Movie Moments That Must Have Happened Off-Screen

5. Truman Moving Into The Real World - The Truman Show

Jim Carrey The Truman Show ending
Paramount Pictures

Everyone loves a happy ending, right?

You can say plenty of positive things about The Truman Show, arguably one of Jim Carrey's finest outings in his long and celebrated career, but that ending is something else. Who didn't cheer when he took that step through the wall and into the real world?

After being the subject of a reality TV show (without him knowing) since the moment he was born, and after living in a manufactured world in which his best friend, his mother, and his wife were all fake and scripted, he freed himself of Big Brother's shackles and headed out the door.

However, is it naïve to believe that this is genuinely a happy ending? Would there ever be a way for Truman to step into the real world without any kind of adjustment period or long-term trust issues? Everything he has known his entire life was a lie, and there is no way he just steps into another life so seamlessly.

Where would he live? How would he earn a living? And who's to say that his life with Lauren would be as easy as he thinks? Could he even trust her, or anyone else ever again? What Kristoff did to him would have damaged him, most likely irreparably.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.