10 Badass Villains Spider-Man Should Fight In The MCU

8. Morbius

Kingpin Spider Man
Marvel Comics

Morbius is a sometime Spidey villain whose origin as a failed biotech experiment taps into the super-science behind so much of the Spider-Man's shenanigans.

Billed as the 'Living Vampire', he has all sorts of superhuman vampirey abilities along with the accompanying craving for human blood. He started out a Nobel Prize-winning biochemist whose attempts to cure his life-threatening disease turned him into a pallid, blood-drinking monstrosity.

Morbius isn't one of the headline members of the Spidey rogue's gallery but he's one of the most distinctive, a gothic horror throwback mixing comic book hand-wavey science and an old-school creepshow.

As an incidental villain Morbius could facilitate a strikingly different schlock horror sequence as a contrast to the usual four-colour heroics, and serve to illustrate the diversity of the weirdos inhabiting the Marvel universe. Morbius' biotech prowess could even make him an uncomfortable ally for Spidey and Co., perhaps helping him battle a more dangerous threat - for a price in blood.

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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.