10 Badass Villains Spider-Man Should Fight In The MCU

7. A Clone Of Himself

Kingpin Spider Man
Marvel Comics

The word 'clone' strikes dread into the hearts of long-time Spider-Man fans. The Clone Saga is one of Marvel's most infamously convoluted, interminable and just plain awful story arcs of all time.

An endless stream of clones of Spidey and just about everyone else were foisted onto the Marvel Universe along with constant twists and reversals about who were the clones and who were the originals. It was all orchestrated by a sub-Green Goblin bat-eared jerk named the Jackal.

Nevertheless, cutting out the dead wood and keeping the core of a cloning tale could create the tempting idea of a Spidey Vs Spidey contest, over which one is the 'real' Spider-Man.

In the MCU the story could focus on the concepts of identity, perception and the morality of cloning itself, while enabling some awesome webhead-on-webhead action. It goes without saying that the one who assumes he's the original turns out to be the clone. Or does he?

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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.