10 Bafflingly High 2015 IMDb Scores You Won't Believe

9. The Age Of Adaline

The Score: 7.2/10 What It Should Be: 6/10 The Age of Adaline was probably a better movie than most people expected, given that it stars Blake Lively in the leading role (sorry, Blake: you don't make good films). That said, this kind of watchable but utterly conventional romantic drama doesn't deserve a score of 7.2. The latest Bond movie, Spectre, only managed a score of 7.1, for God's sake! It feels inherently mean to bash a movie like The Age of Adaline, because - fundamentally - it probably had good intentions. There's nothing wholly terrible about it, save for its barmy plot. It seems like an honest piece of work. It also contains a late-career performance by Harrison Ford that is genuinely quite good - a rare thing to witness nowadays. Still, can we - as a collective society - really gift a movie of such unbearable slowness with a score of 7.2? It's not even like the main character is particularly interesting: Blake Lively offers no discernible personality, opting to read all her lines in one tone of voice.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.