10 Bafflingly High 2015 IMDb Scores You Won't Believe

8. The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

The Score: 7.4/10 What It Should Be: 6.5/10 There's nothing overtly wrong with Guy Ritchie's latest blockbuster, a filmic adaptation of the TV series of the same name - except for the fact that there is almost nothing about it to love. "Like" this movie, perhaps, but to love it? To find aspects in it that are above average? It's impossible. Which means that a IMDb rating of 7.4 seems very generous. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. might have been a lot better had any of the cast had any real chemistry to speak of; Henry Cavill, playing the titular role of Napoleon Solo, does his best with a character who just wasn't on the page to begin with, whilst Armie Hammer (who never seems to be able to find the "right" part) and Alicia Vikander lack real spark. Then there's the action scenes, which aren't really action scenes. They just kind of "happen" in the gaps between other scenes - arbitrary, forgettable. It's a passable flick for, say, Boxing Day, but 7.4 is a rating reserved for films you'd recommend. This? Pah.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.