10 Bafflingly High 2015 IMDb Scores You Won't Believe

6. Pan

The Score: 6/10 What It Should Be: 4/10 There's always been a sense that, with truly terrible blockbuster movies, the users over at the IMDb have been more than happy to give them their rating-based comeuppance. It's strange to see that Pan, then, one of the worst films of 2015 - and a film that one could quite easily argue is one of cinema's great disasters - has a rating of 6. Not 5.3 or 4.9, but a 6. Talk about about a liberal score, guys! Pan is so relentlessly bad from beginning to end, a film constructed from an endless conveyer belt of ill-judged scenes, that it barely deserves a 5. The script, the visuals, the soundtrack - everything about Pan sucks. What did you see in this movie, IMDb users? How does it make any sense that anybody sat down to Joe Wright's unmitigated screw-up and said: "Yeah, that's worth a six." Pan is so exhausting in its conceit - packed to the brim with bad decisions. There must be an error on the site or something. Can we investigate that, please? Can we at least look into it?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.