10 Behind-The-Scenes Glimpses Of Movie Scenes We Never Got To See
10. Cyborg Visits His Own Grave - Justice League

It's of course no secret that a ton of footage shot for Zack Snyder's Justice League was ultimately left on the cutting room floor, amid colossal reshoots and a mandate from Warner Bros. that the film clock in at no more than two hours.
As fan demand for the release of the murmured-about "Snyder Cut" ramps up, Snyder and his colleagues have continually teased fans with sneaky snaps from scenes that never made it into the movie's theatrical release.
Most recently, Snyder and cinematographer Fabian Wagner posted images to social media of a sequence where Victor Stone (Ray Fisher) visits his family's burial plot and pounds on his own grave (him being presumed dead post-accident and all).
Given how little impact Cyborg ultimately made in Justice League, clearly there's a version of the movie that at least tried to develop Victor as a relatable human being. #ReleaseTheSnyderCut