10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2015

7. The Green Inferno

RT Rating: 35% How you feel about The Green Inferno probably depends a lot on how you feel about the films that inspired it. Having played in festivals way back in 2013, Eli Roth€™s homage to low-budget gore-fest exploitation films is pitch perfect and admirably clever at what it tries to do, it€™s just not very good. That€™s sort of the point of course, and there is something perversely admirable in how well it recaptures being awful. But shouldn€™t an homage still seek to be entertaining, and improve on the originals where possible? A touch more of the humour and a little more knowing self-parody might have gone a long way to that, particularly as there€™s absolutely no-one to root for. And without the improvement, you might as well just watch Cannibal Holocaust again, if that€™s all you€™re looking for.
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