10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2015

7. Spring

RT Rating: 89% Spring - which actually premiered at Toronto in 2014 - is a curious creature of a horror film, straddling genres and drawing as much on Richard Linklater as John Landis. It's clever and compelling and wouldn't be out of place alongside Terence Malick's work in its tentative affectionate approach to its environment, characters and story. None of that really sounds like good ingredients for a monster film - which the poster so casually spoiled that it was - but the result is triumphantly good and strangely lovely. It feels both unique and carefully familiar, a romantic film that happens to have supernatural horror elements set in a characterful environment as defining as the setting for Local Hero and Calvary. The story - of a monster who seeks to procreate in order to live forever but can't fall in love or the whole immortality deal is of - is a little ludicrous, but it's so well made that it really doesn't matter and the familiar aspects end up feeling like selling points.
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