10 Best & 10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2015

6. Deathgasm

RT Rating: 88% However you look at it, Deathgasm is bound to be considered an acquired taste. Or a "cult gem". Or in other words, lots and lots of people think it's absolutely diabolical. Inspired by director Jason Lei Howden's teenage years (which were obviously extremely troubled, to say the least) Deathgasm resulted from a self-conscious attempt to make the most "metal" horror movie ever, which is precisely why it's such a difficult sale to some people. More fragile ones in particular. It has the swagger of an Evil Dead - and the same commitment to gore and laughs - and a confident assumption that it doesn't matter how far the envelope is pushed as long as it remains entertaining and not an exercise in gore porn. The balance is genius, creating a Grindhouse, midnight movie with brilliantly written comedy and a lot of obvious affection for where it came from.
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