10 Best 2017 Movie Trailers

7. Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider-Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

Release Date: July 7, 2017

The Trailer: Homecoming's trailer perhaps felt a little underwhelming considering the last two MCU movies were huge, bombastic and full of insane spectacle, but nonetheless, it gave us everything we were expecting; lots of Spider-quips, lots of Iron Man and lots of action.

It did feel like the Tony Stark showcase at times, but why wouldn't you use the most popular Avenger to sell your movie, especially after the way the last Spider-Man flick was received?

The Movie: Homecoming has been likened to a John Hughes coming of age tale in the past, meaning we'll get a lot of Peter Parker dealing with traditional teen problems. And dealing with being an Avenger.

Expect the usual Marvel humour, but expect it to be much more relatable than ever before - we've all struggled through our school years, after all - and look forward to Spidey teaming up with Iron Man to take down Michael Keaton's Vulture.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.