10 Best "Everything You Know Is A Lie" Moments In Sci-Fi Movies

2. The Statue Of Liberty - Planet Of The Apes

Coherence Movie
20th Century Studios

Hey! Charlton Heston's back! Only this time he's an astronaut instead of a policeman!

Heston's character crash lands on an "alien" planet at the start of the original 1968 Planet of the Apes movie. "Alien" is in quotation marks because we all know that it's not actually another world. But let's just play along for now.

Over the course of the movie, Heston encounters a ruling class of hyper-evolved simians. After escaping the apes, he comes across a woman. But not just any woman - Lady Liberty herself!

The Statue of Liberty poking out of the ground confirms that the "Planet of the Apes" was just Earth all along, ravaged by a nuclear war. The movie ends with the quintessential visual of Heston falling to his knees and cursing humanity for what they have done.

It's an all-time great reveal, one that perfectly sums up the phrase "Everything you know is a lie." Like Soylent Green, the twist itself is so good that it almost renders the rest of the film obsolete!

However, if that was the case, then we'd have never gotten the Dr. Zaius song from The Simpsons, and that's no good at all.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.