10 Best Action Movie Scenes Of 2018 (So Far)

4. The Shining Homage - Ready Player One

The Shining
Warner Bros.

It only barely qualifies as an action scene, but it's so damn wonderful we're including it anyway. The team of heroes known as the High Five enter a level based on Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, in the hope of obtaining a key that will help them unlock the mysterious Easter egg locked inside the OASIS.

The High Five find themselves in the lobby of the movie's iconic Overlook Hotel, where Aech/Helen (Lena Waithe), who hasn't seen The Shining, is lured to the blood-filled elevator by the creepy Grady twins. Before anyone can stop Aech, she's called the elevator and flooded the floor with blood.

Aech then seeks refuge in room 237 where, of course, a beautiful naked woman is bathing, who soon enough reveals herself to be old and decrepit.

The skeletal figure and a thinly-veiled Jack Nicholson start hacking away at Aech as she flees through the hotel's hedge maze and just barely escapes unscathed. The sequence eventually concludes when Art3mis/Sam (Olivia Cooke) obtains the key from Morrow's (Simon Pegg) wife Kira (Perdita Weeks) in the ballroom, where all the ghosts are creepily dancing with one another.

It's easily the best and most crowd-pleasing sequence in the entire film, with the locations and iconography of Kubrick's horror masterpiece being recreated with loving, painstaking precision.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.