10 Best Action Scenes Of 2015

2. Church Massacre - Kingsman: The Secret Service

Obviously the winner of 'Best Action Scene' in the 2015 Alternative Movie Awards is going to have a prominent position on this list, but a certain post-apocalyptic Best Picture nominee had other ideas. Nonetheless, the hyper-stylish, deliriously violent and utterly demented church massacre from Matthew Vaughn's Kingsman: The Secret Service remains an incredible example of action filmmaking, completely unlike anything seen in any other of last year's mainstream blockbusters. So violent that it actually becomes fairly comical, Colin Firth's gentleman spy Harry Hart absolutely destroys a church full of mind-controlled religious nutjobs, equally comfortable setting them on fire and impaling them as he is shooting them in the face. Brilliantly choreographed and superbly edited to seemingly present the majority of the action in a series of long unbroken shots, the scene is only enhanced by the fact that Academy Award winner Firth did the vast majority of the stunt-work himself, not to mention the genius use of Lynyrd Skynyrd's 'Freebird' and its iconic guitar solo as the soundtrack.
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