10 Best Action Scenes Of 2015

10. Home Invasion - Tomorrowland

There's no way around it, Tomorrowland was both one of the biggest box office bombs of 2015 and the worst movie of Brad Bird's career by some distance. Earning just $209m worldwide against a budget of $190m and scoring a Rotten Tomatoes score of 49% (by comparison, the director's previous four features had all scored at least 93%), the movie's ambitions and visuals were undermined by some seriously muddled storytelling. However, one of Tomorrowland's saving graces is a brilliantly inventive action sequence that takes place around the midway point of the story. In something that comes across like Home Alone jacked up on steroids and kicked into a technologically-advanced alternate version of the present day, George Clooney's Frank Walker and Britt Robertson's Casey Newton defend themselves against an invading squad of robotic henchmen using a combination of elaborate booby traps and good old-fashioned blows to the head. The sequence is Brad Bird at his breezy best, merging both CGI and practical effects to create a breathless action scene that is head and shoulders above anything else in the movie.
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Tom Hardy
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