10 Best Andy Serkis Performances

2. Gollum/Smeagol - The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Series

Planet Of The Apes Andy Serkis
Warner Bros. Pictures/New Line Cinema

The first instance of Serkis truly hitting the mainstream and the beginning of what he would use to define his career. Gollum/Sméagol was and still is the role that most people recognise the actor for. Although you only see him live-action in one sequence within the trilogy, Serkis came out of the Lord of the Rings with acclaim.

Impressing the producers of the epic trilogy with his facial expressions and transformative voice, Serkis gained the role and ended up becoming so consumed with it that he became the physical reference for the character. What started as a simple voice-over role slowly became more and more involved and eventually through the work of Weta Digital, a chance for Serkis to dictate the choices of the CGI character. Essentially creating the form of motion-capture

Excluding the advances that this role made for technology. The performance is mostly incredible for its application of the dual personalities of Sméagol and Gollum. Both are so well defined and recognisable despite coming from the same body. With the iconic voice and deliberate choices Serkis made this character hugely popular.

Where most actors would become lost underneath the digital nature of the role, Serkis excelled and eventually even ended up turning the methods used into a staple of the modern film-making industry.


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