10 Best Animated Horror Movies

6. Seoul Station

Fears Of The Dark
Next Entertainment World

Released the same year as its critically acclaimed live-action predecessor Train to Busan, this gripping and terrifying animated prequel to the breakout mega hit serves to show how little some film industries distinguish between animation and live action as mediums.

The stylistic shift to animation between the two films is rendered totally seamless by the presence of director Yeaon Sang-ho, who brings to both movies the same propulsive visual aesthetic and sharp social commentary.

An intense and simple thrill ride, this zombie horror sees the eponymous station over-run by hordes of the undead as a handful of survivors attempt to barricade themselves inside. There's a little character drama between a father and his runaway daughter but for the most part this is a thrilling and terrifying, relentlessly bleak slice of zombie horror which makes for a perfect pairing with Train to Busan's live-action equivalent.

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