10 Best Animated Horror Movies

5. Lily C.A.T

Fears Of The Dark
Studio Pierrot

Another Asian animated effort, Lily C.A.T is the straight-to-video eighties horror to Seoul Station's slick Hollywood blockbuster.

A corny pastiche of eighties sci-fi horror clichés, this anime nonetheless packs a grisly punch amongst its over-the-top fun. The flick tells the tale of a shape-shifting alien infecting the tight-knit crew of a spaceship in the near future of the 23rd century.

There are corrupt corporations, in-fighting over who is and isn't infecting, and explosively gory monster reveals... So in other words yeah, this 1987 sci-fi horror is another bargain bin rip-off of the template created by Alien director Ridley Scott and mastered by The Thing's John Carpenter.

But if you can stomach the shameless "borrowing", the medium of animation allows Lily C.A.T's action to boast far more impressive monster designs than a comparably budgeted live action sci-fi horror, and it's these unforgettably gruesome beasts than make the film memorable.

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