10 Best Animated Movies Of The 2010s (That Aren't Disney Or Pixar)

7. The Lego Movie

Growing up, I was always more of a Playmobile kid than a Lego one. To me, Lego pieces were just a pile of lethal floor traps. Living room landmines masquerading as children€™s entertainment. But I have to be honest with you, seeing The Lego Movie was one of the most fun experiences I€™ve had in a movie theatre in recent memory. The only person who was having a better time was Will Arnett - tangibly living out his own childhood dreams as the voice of Batman. This movie is just a gag machine gun firing out joke-a-minute stuff, filled with visual humour, pop culture references and snappy one liners. Where else are you going to see Leonardo Da Vinci, Hello Kitty and Abraham Lincoln with a rocket chair in the same universe? But all this wackiness is still wrapped within a thoughtful and imaginative story about creativity, imagination and parenthood. The Lego Movie is cleverer than a lot of people will give it credit for with some sharp satire thrown in for good measure along the way. But perhaps the most overlooked and underrated aspect of this movie is its look. It is a truly gorgeous film and the excitement is real for the sequel planned for release in 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ_JOBCLF-I
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Sometime Brummie with a love for tea, tequila and football teams that don't win a lot of games. Still don't really understand apostrophes.