10 Best Animated Movies Of The 2010s (That Aren't Disney Or Pixar)

6. The Boxtrolls

Underrated movie. This is a seriously underrated movie in my humble opinion. Cross Wallace and Gromit with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and put in the world of steampunk stop motion and essentially you have The Boxtrolls. Set in the offbeat town of Cheesebridge, Laika have crafted one of the most beautiful stop motion worlds of all time. The sets and characters have been designed lovingly as The Boxtrolls is a movie where the elbow grease is really visible. The Boxtrolls themselves are mechanically minded creatures who live underground, building crazy inventions out of surface people€™s rubbish until an orphan boy called Eggs is cared for and raised by them as one of their own. Naturally friction arises between the Boxtrolls and the humans as shenanigans and cheese based antics ensue. This isn't a movie that makes you laugh with your brain but rather your entire body. The Boxtrolls features the voice talents of Simon Pegg, Tracey Morgan, Richard Ayoade and the phenomenal Ben Kingsley and while a lot of people love Laika€™s other efforts in Coraline and ParaNorman, The Boxtrolls is probably the most enjoyable work from a production company doing really interesting things at the minute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2dFVnp5K0o
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Sometime Brummie with a love for tea, tequila and football teams that don't win a lot of games. Still don't really understand apostrophes.