10 Best Animated Movies Of The 2010s (That Aren't Disney Or Pixar)

5. The Wind Rises

There just has to be something from Studio Ghibli on this list. If anything people feel more passionate about Ghibli movies than they do for Disney or Pixar. And Hayao Miyazaki€™s name carries a significant amount of weight. His rap sheet is incredible, pound for pound he is one of the greatest directors of all time. So it seems only fitting that his final movie may just be his most beautiful. The Wind Rises is his love letter to the artists, the tunnel visioned dreamers of the world who set their creative base camp in the heavens and try to go as far as they can from there. It follows the life of Jiro, a boy who dreams of designing planes and along the way falls in love with Naoko. In typical Ghibli fashion the ride is never smooth but to be honest love just looks better when it€™s animated by this immeasurable company. Miyazaki plays your heart like a harpsichord and in The Wind Rises he underlines a preposterously amazing body of work with arguably his most poignant of pictures. Miyazaki€™s films are concerned with longing, with the memories of those beautiful moments you will never forget. Something that carries an added poignancy now that we know we€™ll never see another full feature bearing his name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imtdgdGOB6Q
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Sometime Brummie with a love for tea, tequila and football teams that don't win a lot of games. Still don't really understand apostrophes.