10 Best Bad-Ass Screen Army Outfits

5. Dutch's Boys - Predator

I had to weigh this one up for quite a while, considering how easily most of Dutch's crew of hardcore bad-asses actually bite the dust when faced with a single, albeit massively dangerous foe. But in the end, you have to take the manner of their deaths into consideration, and it's also important to weigh the bad-assery against the enemy they face. They don't come much tougher than Predator, an inter-galactic hunter who is about as bad-ass as aliens come - rocking the dread-locked look well before John Travolta diluted just how bad-ass that hair-cut was on aliens. Dutch's team was packed with talent - an action-movie ensemble well before The Expendables made a successful and profitable gimmick out of it - and the muscles on show were only matched with the attitudes and disarming charm. They also felt like the moment their action movie Golden Era came to the boil, and it is for good reason that movie is still held in such high-esteem. And if that wasn't enough, some of the team were so hard as nails, that they didn't even have time to bleed... http://youtu.be/lXr-N5tJY8I Somewhat unthinkably, three of these bad-asses were involved in American politics, from the Senate (Arnie), through disastrous Senate candidacy (Sonny Landham) to mayordom and governorship (Jesse Ventura). Clearly being a muscle-bound action hero was once deemed a suitable qualification to help run the most powerful country in the world - and it's not hard to imagine that the voters looked at Predator for an indication of their candidates' integrity and zero-tolerance alien-invasion policies...

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