10 Best Bad-Ass Screen Army Outfits

4. Private Ryan's Saviours

In Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller's outfit of soldiers face not one impossible task - effectively finding a needle in a needle-stack - but three, emerging in part through two suicide mission-style battles that weren't part of their original brief for the good of the rest of the army. As if storming a machine gun nest successfully wasn't impressive enough, the outfit also helped defend an undefendable position, thanks to Private Ryan's dedication to his own duties, suffering catastrophic casualties and forming the back-bone to one of the greatest war films of any cinematic era. Tom Hanks' Captain Miller is the baddest every-man character ever committed to film, a man pushed to the very limit of human endurance by the horrors of war - a man, who in a former life was a school teacher and baseball coach, but whose legend on the battlefield has made him something entirely different. He is the human cost of war, completely broken, but equally completely hardened by his experiences and his aptitude for warfare - and even despite his failing physical state, he ignores the trembles in his body and does his duty to the very last. http://youtu.be/LvAIBDGIYE0

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