10 Best Bad-Ass Screen Army Outfits

3. The Basterds

What could be more bad-ass than a secret expeditionary force dropped deep into enemy territory with the simplest and grizzliest of objectives: to kill as many Nazis as possible and inspire chills of fear up the very spine of the German army right up to the head. Aldo Raine's Jewish soldiers, all volunteers and all hell-bent on killing Nazis in vengeance of the Fuhrer's despicable crimes committed against their foreign kin might not have looked too much, but their motivations and their success make them a hugely bad-ass outfit. And that's not even mentioning Raine's horrific, intriguing neck scar or the infamous Bear Jew and his penchant for Nazi baseball. And the ultimate testament of their bad-ass prowess? They succeeded in completing one mission that the entire Allied forces failed - killing Hitler in a gloriously gruesome sequence that rebalanced the true events of history in a far more pleasantly action movie-friendly manner. http://youtu.be/3YM3AYZaTZ0

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.