10 Best Batmobiles Of All Time

4. '90s Batmobile

Batman White Knight Burton Batmobile
DC Comics

If the word "sleek" manifested itself as an object, it would look a lot like Norm Breyfogle's Batmobile from the early nineties. The futuristic vehicle was modelled after the Lamborghini Countach, and as a result, had striking similarities to the real-life car. However, as this was the world of comic books, it didn't take long until the features became more exaggerated.

This would ultimately end up working in the Batmobile's favour, as we suddenly had something that looked more like a spaceship than a car. The tailfins were more eccentric than ever, rounded on one side and incredibly sharp on the other, while gigantic-but-slim headlights gave the vehicle a permanent frown that made it look oddly terrifying as it tore up the streets of Gotham City. Yes, it tore up those streets, and was every bit the racing car that it appeared to be.

Given that there was over 50 years of comic book history and countless variations of the vehicle that came before, it's a testament to Breyfogle that he managed to come up with something so vastly different that somehow still embodied everything Batman stood for. Sure, it was out there, but in the best way possible.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.