10 Best Batmobiles Of All Time

3. Batman: The Animated Series Batmobile

Batman White Knight Burton Batmobile
Warner Bros.

The Batmobile that appears in Batman: The Animated Series is one of the most instantly recognisable versions ever produced - and for good reason. Inspired by Burton's live-action Batman, Bruce Timm's design bears a lot of similarities to the film's variant. However, it also manages to be entirely original, sporting a more rectangular design and a chrome grill that allowed it to stand out, while complementing the artistic tone of the series.

You don't even have to watch an episode to understand how iconic this version of the Batmobile is, as its role in the show's intro says more than enough. That single shot of the vehicle speeding towards its destination presents it as the larger-than-life presence that it truly is, and it's undoubtedly awe-inspiring to watch - a feeling that never goes away no matter how many times you see it.

No other animated version of the Batmobile even comes close to touching the grandeur of this one. It took an already great design and modified it for its own universe, allowing it to be original in its own right - and in doing so, created something just as legendary. This Batmobile is a visually stunning, awe-inspiring monster that is in a league of its own - just like the entire series.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.