10 Best Benicio Del Toro Movie Performances

7. Franky Four Fingers - Snatch (2000)

Snatch Benicio Del Toro
Sony Pictures

Franky Four Fingers wasn't around nearly as much as he should have been in Guy Ritchie's classic crime comedy, but boy did del Toro make an impression with the role.

Franky is a gambling addict and a sleaze of the highest order - a debt-ridden, care-free criminal whose actions early in the movie set the rest of the plot in motion. He got his name before the story of the film, when he had his ring finger removed for not repaying a large debt.

Despite his more shady past-times, he's also one of Snatch's most endearing characters thanks to del Toro's performance and Guy Ritchie's writing. At once cool, calm and collected, he's smartly dressed, seemingly intelligent and completely, often hilariously indifferent to the world around him and the situations he finds himself in.

Snatch has got a dozen excellent characters at its disposal, but the whole thing could have been about Franky and Franky alone, and it still would have been a perfect black comedy. It really is a shame we didn't get to see more of him.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.