10 Best Blumhouse Horror Movies You've Probably Never Seen

8. My Valentine

The Town That Dreaded Sundown

The second Into The Dark film on this list, My Valentine is from the second season and the second time the series went at the Valentine's Day holiday. It features Britt Baron, whom you may recognize from GLOW, as the titular character Valentine.

The film follows Valentine, a singer/songwriter, whom claims her abusive ex-boyfriend Royal (Benedict Samuel) stole her persona and pasted it onto a new performer. Thus, resulting in Valentine being painted a fraud and imposter. One night, Royal confronts Valentine after a show, and from here things hit the fan. It may sound pretty paper thin, and honestly, it sort of is, but it works.

Everything takes place at the music venue but the actors carry that set and movie on their back and bring it all home. Baron and Samuel do a remarkable job in their roles, and Samuel will make you hate him with a burning passion thanks to his portrayal of Royal.

The visual aura of this film is fantastic, as the whole thing is filed with this cotton candy daze that sparkles over everything. It adds to the bubble-gum, electro-pop that is played throughout the film that is catchy as hell. And that's no joke, the music that Valentine plays throughout the film will stick in your head.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.