10 Best Body Horror Movies

6. Possession

Reanimator Head

Possession is a singular piece of horror cinema and a disturbing, surreal, experience.

Sam Neill and Isabelle Adjani star as Mark and Anna, a young European couple, going through what is perhaps cinema's most traumatic divorce. When Sam returns from a job (presumably as a spy) Anna confirms she has been having an affair. Mark thinks it is with an old friend and he is correct but there's also someone, or something, else involved.

Both of the main protagonists offer unhinged and disturbing performances with Adjani seeming to go through several mental breakdowns throughout the film. The scenes between the couple are almost all incredibly intense and involve violence and self-harm.

There are a few plotlines that seem to have been left hanging: Adjani also plays Anna and Mark's son's teacher and it feels like that needed to go somewhere, the shady government types who Mark works for are also suggestive of a wider plot which might have been interesting. None of this detracts from the film however.

The body horror element, when it comes along in the narrative, is again disturbing and brilliantly executed. Possession is a disorienting but rewarding watch and one of the great horrors of its time.

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Film graduate and Project Manager from Newcastle Upon Tyne, horror obsessive, defender of underappreciated movies, lover of old school wrestling, catalogue of useless music trivia, aspiring author and all round moaner