10 Best Characters In Guy Ritchie Movies

6. Big Chris - Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels

Snatch Brad Pitt
Polygram Entertainment

Whilst Bacon (Jason Statham), Tom (Jason Flemyng), Soap (Dexter Fletcher) and Nick (Eddie Moran) are busy dealing with the fallout from their robbery, mob boss Harry "Hatchet" Lonsdale (P. H. Moriarty) sends his debt collector Big Chris (Vinnie Jones) after them. Accompanied by his son, "Little Chris", Big Chris uses a mixture of intimidation and excessive violence to try and locate the group of protagonists. This is best seen in his introductory scene involving one unfortunate man and a tanning bed, and another scene later on involving another unfortunate man and a car door.

Although he might seem like a ruthless criminal, Big Chris is shown to care deeply about his son, and will chastise anybody who acts inappropriately around him, and will also react with fury if his son comes into any kind of harm whilst on the job.

Vinnie Jones is perfectly cast in the role, and afterwards, his reputation as the tough guy was forever cemented. Much like Statham and Flemyng, this was Jones' first acting role, but he was already a well-known name having retired from a career in professional football a few years before this film was released. After the success of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Jones would go on to appear in Snatch (2000) in a similar role, and other notable films such as Gone in 60 Seconds (2000), Swordfish (2001) and X-Men: The Last Stand (2006).

Throughout this film, the way that Jones reacts with an over the top level of ruthlessness is simultaneously hilarious and terrifying, but Jones pulls it off brilliantly and convincingly.


Cameron Morris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.