10 Best Characters In Guy Ritchie Movies

5. Napoleon Solo - The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Snatch Brad Pitt
Warner Bros.

In this adaptation of the cult 1960s television show, CIA agent Napoleon Solo is the physical embodiment of the stereotypical spy. Dashingly heroic and effortlessly suave, Solo was an accomplished thief before he was eventually caught and offered the chance to work as an international spy during the height of the Cold War. His lone wolf mentality is challenged when he is forced to work with KGB agent Illya Kuryakin (Armie Hammer) to try and prevent a powerful Nazi-sympathiser from detonating a nuclear device, thus plunging multiple nations into another international conflict.

Although Napoleon only originally concerns himself with the game of one-upmanship the two find themselves in, he ends up forming an unlikely friendship with the Russian agent, despite the tensions between their two nations, which eventually allows them to team and work together for the greater good.

Although many fans adored Robert Vaughn's original take on the character, Henry Cavill was an amazing choice for the role of the charming US spy. Not only does he slip perfectly into the role, he truly makes it his own, almost as if he is reprising an old part from a previous movie. He perfectly sells every punch and every sarcastic quip, and it's no wonder that rumours still persist that Cavill might succeed Daniel Craig in becoming the next James Bond.

However, the best factor of his performance is his electric chemistry with Armie Hammer, as had this not existed, the entire film may have been in danger of falling completely flat. Although a possible sequel has yet to materialise, both Cavill and Hammer have said they would be happy to participate in another film, which means that we might just see the two actors reprise these roles yet again.


Cameron Morris hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.