10 Best Chase Scenes In Horror Movies

9. The Eight-Minute Hunt - Prom Night

Best Horror Movie Chases
AVCO Embassy Pictures

With slashers being a dime a dozen during the '80s, there were plenty of solid flicks that never got the credit they deserved.

Though Prom Night was a mild success upon release, it has since developed a cult following due to its excellent soundtrack and imaginative kills. Also, it has one of the most spine-tingling chases ever seen in the genre.

The scene begins with queen bee, Wendy, in the high school bathroom, prepping for the prom. When the lights are suddenly turned off, Wendy finds herself being attacked by a hatchet-wielding maniac.

The scene demonstrates a great use of colour, since the killer is often billowed in red light, giving off a predatory vibe. When the antagonist can't be seen, it's obvious when he's near any time the scene is draped in a crimson hue.

Wendy is a deeply selfish character, but it's hard not to root for her, as she manages to evade her pursuer for eight frickin' minutes. Rather than behaving like a damsel in distress, Wendy tries fighting back, hiding behind tables, locking herself in cars, and scrambling for an exit.

Wendy may have been a nasty character, but it was a pity to see her wind up dead.

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