10 Best Chase Scenes In Horror Movies

8. The Sound Booth - Scream 2

Best Horror Movie Chases
Dimension Films

Wes Craven's Scream didn't just reignite the director's career, but the slasher genre. For this reason, a slew of sequels were bound to follow.

Though Scream 2 didn't capture the same magic of its predecessor, it has plenty to offer, including the enthralling soundbooth chase. After Ghostface pursues Gale Weathers through a recording studio, the news reporter bashes the robed psychopath with a phone before running away.

When she sees him again in the recording room, she audibly gasps, seemingly giving away her position. However, Ghostface doesn't notice since he's inside a soundproof room. As Ghostface wanders through the area, Gale tightly weaves around the acoustic dividers and hides in the taping room, narrowly avoiding being seen.

Although the previous Ghostface was calculating and methodical, this killer is much more erratic. The way Ghostface flails his body, throws chairs around, and jostles into walls to reach Gale fills the scene with a ton of chaotic energy.

Even though the ghoulish maniac fails to spot Gale throughout most of this scene, they often share the screen, creating a great sense of claustrophobia. On top of that, the shrill soundtrack and tight camera angles accentuate Gale's dread in every shot.

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