10 Best Chase Scenes In Horror Movies

7. The Pale Man - Pan's Labyrinth

Best Horror Movie Chases
Warner Bros. Pictures

Pan's Labyrinth contains a textbook example of how a chase can be heart-pounding despite being slow and brief. 

In Guillermo del Toro's dark fantasy, Ofelia finds herself in the lair of a child-eating monster called the Pale Man (Doug Jones). After Ofelia eats from his table, the emaciated demon awakens and begins lumbering towards the young girl.

Ofelia runs to the end of the corridor, only for the exit to seal shut. Using a piece of magical chalk, Ofelia draws an exit in the ceiling, allowing her to escape.

The chase lasts no longer than a minute, but is gripping from beginning to end, since every image is designed to elevate the tension. Ofelia's face of horror when she sees the doorway vanish. Her chalk falling to the floor. The chair that Ofelia stands on wobbles as she desperately draws an exit. While this is going on, the Pale Man is in the background shambling ever closer, eager to devour the protagonist.

This nightmarish sequence may be short, but it leaves a permanent impression, primarily because of del Toro's flawless direction and Doug Jones' haunting performance as the Pale Man.

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