10 Best Chase Scenes In Horror Movies

6. Super Slo-Mo - The Final Girls

Best Horror Movie Chases

In The Final Girls, Max and her friends are inexplicably sucked into a '80s slasher called Camp Bloodbath. 

While inside the movie, they find themselves experiencing all sorts of horror tropes. When anyone talks about the past, they're transported into a black-and-white flashback. Most of the movie characters only speak in badly written dialogue. Worst of all, the masked killer, Billy Murphy, can only be defeated by a virgin.

When the antagonist enters the counsellor's cabin, Max's group unleash a barrage of booby-traps, resulting in Billy being stabbed, impaled, and set on fire.

In a regular flick, this adversary would be toast. But since this is a parody slasher, Billy is far from done. Doused in flames, the masked murderer bursts from the house and continues hunting the survivors.

As the gang try to get away quickly, they find themselves falling victim to another movie cliche - slow-motion. Despite their best efforts, they are compelled to move at a snails pace, leading to a chase that's gorgeously shot, terrifying, and hilarious.

Not only is this meta-reference genius, how they escape is also incredibly clever. Just as Billy has Max's group cornered, they begin talking about the killer's past, trapping him in a flashback long enough for them to get away.

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