10 Best Chosen Ones In Movie History
4. Moses - The Prince Of Egypt
Chosen One Title: God's Messenger
The Prince of Egypt worked hard building the kind of life he had as a royal and having a loving relationship with his adopted family. He was not some spoiled jerk either; being generally nice to the commoners and the Israelites, naive and ignorant to their plight but not necessarily unsympathetic.
When he realized his true heritage, he suddenly felt all the pain and anguish he used to turn a blind eye to as if he saw the expressions on their faces for the first time even if he sees it in plain sight every day.
When it is finally time to become the prophet of God and free his people from the Pharaoh, it is a reluctant acceptance, as he felt so small and unworthy. And for the first time, the relationship between Moses and Ramesses as brothers is used to create great drama. Both have responsibilities they want to honor and do not want to break, but at the same time they both don’t want to break the close bond as brothers they once had.
So when they make their rivalry you can see Moses' heart slowly breaking with each plague.
This is the advantage The Moses of The Prince of Egypt has over most interpretations of the character - he feels like a vulnerable person with complex feelings just like anyone of us in real life rather than just the idealized Christian or portrait of manliness.