10 Best Coming-Of-Age Movies Of The Decade

8. Kick-Ass (2010)

Moonlight 2016

For many people, Kick-Ass falls into the superhero genre rather than the coming-of-age genre, but in reality, it’s both.

Based upon a comic book of the same name, the film focuses on Dave Lizewski, a high school student determined to fulfil his dream of becoming a superhero. The narrative also contains plenty of coming-of-age tropes such as romance, friendship, adolescent gossip, and a significant arc for the main character.

Upon release, Kick-Ass was sniffed at by some who thought it glorified violence. Given the comical tone of the movie, such a criticism was totally misjudged. Indeed, as bloody as Kick-Ass can be at times, it’s also full of comedy.

In line with this comedic tone, the movie has a pop soundtrack that helps to make the violence funny as well as gory. The scene in which Hit-Girl takes down Rasul and his men is especially amusing.

The controversy surrounding Kick-Ass at release was completely unwarranted. Yes, it’s violent, but it’s also a wonderfully funny and offbeat coming-of-age movie.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.