10 Best Coming-Of-Age Movies Of The Decade

7. Easy A (2010)

Moonlight 2016
Screen Gems

Easy A solidified Emma Stone as a great new talent. Her performance balances both drama and comedy, and her surrounding cast members also provide plenty of entertainment.

The story centres around Olive Penderghast, a seventeen-year-old high schooler who develops a false reputation for promiscuity.

Easy A excels when it comes to its depiction of high school, and much of this is down to Bert V. Royal’s tight writing. In particular, the screenplay perfectly captures how easily rumours spread and alter in an adolescent environment.

The film is also surprisingly dark when it wants to be. Sure, the overall tone is comedic and vibrant, but there’s still plenty of substance as well, especially in the closing act.

Almost ten years on from its release, Easy A remains one of the most authentic depictions of teenage life in the 2010s.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.