10 Best Coming-Of-Age Movies Of The Decade

6. Eighth Grade (2018)

Moonlight 2016

Eighth Grade is a tough watch. From the first scene it’s impossible not to feel for Kayla as she manoeuvres through her final week of middle school.

Social anxiety and awkward conversations are at the centre of the screenplay. Though such scenes can be a little painful to watch, they never feel too bold or disingenuous.

Elsie Fisher is faultless throughout, and what’s particularly impressive about her performance is how she conveys her character’s feelings through more than just dialogue and facial expressions. Everything from her posture to the way she walks tells the audience what she’s going through.

Josh Hamilton (who plays Kayla’s father) also nails his role. Indeed, some of the best scenes in the movie are those between Kayla and her father.

Eighth Grade may not be the most enjoyable coming-of-age film, but it’s certainly one of the most captivating.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.